WiFi pentest

WiFi hacking refers to the unauthorized access or exploitation of a wireless network's security vulnerabilities to gain control or intercept data. Hackers may use tools to crack weak encryption protocols (such as WEP or WPA) or exploit network misconfigurations

Sotib olish
WiFi pentest

WiFi pentest

Sotib olish
Kasb nomi

Ishga kirishga yordam beramiz*

Bepul bonus kurslar

Doimiy qo'llab quvvatlovchi ustozlar

Portfolio uchun loyihalar

Istalgan vaqt va istalgan joyda ta'lim

WiFi pentest

WiFi hacking refers to the unauthorized access or exploitation of a wireless network's security vulnerabilities to gain control or intercept data. Hackers may use tools to crack weak encryption protocols (such as WEP or WPA) or exploit network misconfigurations

Sotib olish
WiFi pentest

WiFi buzishni o'rgatmaymiz

Birinchi marta ilmiy ishda „iqtisod“ soʻzi IV asrda ishlatila boshlangan. Miloddan avvalgi Ksenofontdan, uni „tabiatshunoslik“ deb ataydi. Aristotel iqtisodni xrematistika bilan qarama-qarshi qoʻydi 

WiFi buzishni o'rgatmaymiz

Birinchi marta ilmiy ishda „iqtisod“ soʻzi IV asrda ishlatila boshlangan. Miloddan avvalgi Ksenofontdan, uni „tabiatshunoslik“ deb ataydi. Aristotel iqtisodni xrematistika bilan qarama-qarshi qoʻydi 

WiFi buzishni o'rgatmaymiz

Mutaxassisning oʻrtacha maoshi

Manba: https://www.coursera.org/articles/ethical-hacker-salary

5 597 soʻm


10 006 soʻm


15 005 soʻm


Mutaxassisning oʻrtacha maoshi

Manba: https://www.coursera.org/articles/ethical-hacker-salary

5 597 soʻm


10 006 soʻm


15 005 soʻm


Mutaxassisning oʻrtacha maoshi


Manba: https://www.coursera.org/articles/ethical-hacker-salary

Nima uchun Wifi Pentestni tanlash kerak

Birinchi marta ilmiy ishda „iqtisod“ soʻzi IV asrda ishlatila boshlangan. Miloddan avvalgi Ksenofontdan, uni „tabiatshunoslik“ deb ataydi. Aristotel iqtisodni xrematistika bilan qarama-qarshi qoʻydi — foyda olish bilan bogʻliq boʻlgan inson faoliyati sohasi[2] deb hisoblagan.By understanding how attackers target WiFi networks, you'll be better equipped to secure your own networks and protect them from intrusions.

Kurs qanday imkoniyatlar beradi?

Career Advancement

Career Advancement

Build valuable skills for roles such as penetration tester, cybersecurity analyst, or network security engineer, and prepare for certifications like CEH or CompTIA Security.


Learn from experienced professionals who are experts in the field. Your instructors will provide insights from their own careers, share best practices, and offer tips that only come from years of hands-on experience

Ethical and Legal Knowledge

Ethical and Legal Knowledge

Understand the legal framework around ethical hacking and learn how to perform security assessments responsibly, with permission


Enjoy lifetime access to all course materials, so you can revisit lectures, assignments, and resources whenever you need a refresher or want to update your skills. Plus, any future updates to the course are included at no additional cost.

Hands-On Experience with Tools

Hands-On Experience with Tools

Gain practical skills using popular ethical hacking tools like Wireshark, Aircrack-ng, and Kismet to analyze and secure wireless networks.


Learn at your own pace with a flexible schedule that fits into your lifestyle. Whether you prefer to study in the mornings, evenings, or on weekends, you can set your own pace and revisit the material as often as needed



Xullas buzish

Kurs kimlarga moʻljallangan?


For Fresh Starters

Gain the skills to secure wireless networks, manage encryption protocols, and prevent unauthorized access in organizational environments. Get the skills with WireShark


For Noobies and Beginners

Learn how to identify and defend against WiFi vulnerabilities, ensuring networks remain secure from wireless attacks and data breaches. Learn all the networking tools available

Oʻquvchilar ishidan namunalar

Secured Business WiFi Networks

Secured Business WiFi Networks

Students applied their skills to secure the WiFi networks in small businesses or workplaces, preventing unauthorized access and safeguarding sensitive data
Conducted Penetration Tests

Conducted Penetration Tests

After the course, students successfully conducted penetration tests on corporate networks, identifying vulnerabilities and providing reports with solutions to improve security

Kursni hamma oʻrgana oladi


Edfix da oqiganimda judayam hursandman shu o‘qish uchun to‘g‘ri tanlov qilganimga. hayotim butunlay o‘zgardi o‘zim ham o‘zgardim man faqat behisob shukurla diyman shu najot talimni tashkilashtirgan temurbek adhamovga jonlari sog‘ bo‘sin ishlariga baraka bersin va shu najot talimda faoliyat olib borvotkan hamma hodimlarga ham raxmat. hozirgi kunda shohida ibragimova ga tegishli moliya.uz loyihasini proyekt mejeriman va shohida ibragimovani you tube menejerlari bolib ishlavoman

Ethical Hacker

Sophie had always been interested in tech but never knew where to start. One day, she came across an online course while searching for career options. The flexible schedule allowed her to study at her own pace, and soon, she was completing projects with ease. Sophie applied for a front-end developer role—and got the job! The course had transformed her career in ways she never expected

WiFi Hacker


Chap qanot

Platformadan qanday foydalanasiz?

Ushbu qisqa videoni koʻring va platformadan foydalanishni tezda oʻrganing. Edfix – siz oʻylagandan ham osonroq va qulayroq ta’lim platformasi

Kurs qanday tartibda oʻtiladi

Yopiq guruh

Siz butun umrlik oʻquvchilar va ustozlardan tashkil topgan yopiq guruhga qoʻshilasiz. Guruhda doimiy savol-javoblar boʻladi va networking qilish imkoniyatiga ega boʻlasiz

Onlayn uchrashuvlar

Yopiq guruhingizda har oy ustozlar va oʻquvchilar bilan ovozli va videochatlar tashkil etiladi, bunda siz barcha savollaringizga javob olasiz.


Yuqori sifatdagi tayyor yozib olingan videodarslarni istalgan joyda va vaqtda tomosha qilishingiz mumkin.


Videodars soʻnggida sizga amaliy vazifalar beriladi. Ularni qilib nazariy bilimlaringizni mustahkamlaysiz va kurs yakunigacha portfoliongizni toʻldirib borasiz.

Portfoliongizga loyihalar

From Concept to Execution: My Portfolio Journey

From Concept to Execution: My Portfolio Journey

My portfolio is a testament to my journey from the initial idea to a fully implemented solution. It highlights projects where I’ve taken concepts and transformed them into engaging, functional, and visually appealing digital experiences. With a focus on web development, design, and problem-solving, I demonstrate how I tailor each project to its unique needs. Whether it's creating an intuitive user interface, developing a responsive website, or collaborating on a complex project
A Glimpse into My Work and Creativity

A Glimpse into My Work and Creativity

This portfolio offers an in-depth look at some of my most impactful projects across web development, UI/UX design, and digital solutions. From building intuitive user interfaces to developing scalable web applications, each project showcases my dedication to solving complex problems with innovative and user-focused approaches. You'll see how I blend creativity with functionality to craft solutions that not only meet but exceed client expectations
Showcasing the Best of My Work Across Various Domains

Showcasing the Best of My Work Across Various Domains

Welcome to my portfolio, where I highlight the breadth of my skills and the depth of my experience across various digital projects. This collection of work showcases my proficiency in web development, UI/UX design, and client-based digital solutions. Each project reflects my ability to understand complex problems, translate them into functional designs, and deliver seamless, high-performance solutions. From e-commerce platforms to educational landing pages

Kurs boʻyicha savollaringiz bormi?

Oʻquvchilar musobaqa- konkurslarda qatnashgan ishlari

Showcasing Student Success in Hacking Competitions
Muallif: Adrian Wagwagan

Showcasing Student Success in Hacking Competitions

This section highlights the achievements of students who have actively participated in various hacking and cybersecurity competitions. From Capture The Flag (CTF) events to global hackathons, these students have demonstrated their skills in real-world scenarios, tackling complex security challenges. Their involvement not only showcases their technical abilities but also their problem-solving, teamwork, and innovation under pressure

Empowering Students Through Hacking Competitions
Muallif: Suxrob Hayitmurodov

Empowering Students Through Hacking Competitions

In this section, we showcase the accomplishments of students who have excelled in hacking competitions and cybersecurity events. Through various challenges, including penetration testing, vulnerability analysis, and system exploitation, these students have honed their skills and deepened their understanding of the industry’s most critical issues. From local hackathons to global CTF competitions, their experiences have solidified their technical expertise.

Student Achievements in Cybersecurity Challenges
Muallif: Rowan Quasa

Student Achievements in Cybersecurity Challenges

Our students have actively engaged in a variety of prestigious hacking events, including Capture The Flag (CTF), bug bounties, and international cybersecurity competitions. These experiences have helped them sharpen their penetration testing, reverse engineering, and ethical hacking skills in realworld scenarios. By participating in these events, they’ve demonstrated resilience, adaptability, and teamwork while working on complex security problems, all contributing to the everevolving field of cybersecurity


Kurs mentorlari

Emily R. Carter

Cybersecurity Expert | Ethical Hacking | Penetration Testing

Emily R. Carter is a seasoned cybersecurity expert with over 15 years of experience in the field. He specializes in ethical hacking, penetration testing, and web security, and has worked with global organizations to identify and secure critical vulnerabilities in their infrastructures


John holds multiple certifications, including Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). He has also spoken at several international conferences and contributed to numerous cybersecurity publications

Emily R. Carter

Pep Gvardiola

Coash City

Guardiola was born and reared in the small town Santpedor, just north of Manresa, in northeastern Spain. His father was a bricklayer, and his mother was a homemaker. He had two elder sisters and a younger brother. From an early age Guardiola was obsessed with football, and at age 13 he was transferred from a local team (Club Gimnàstic Manresa Youth) to FC Barcelona’s under-age-16 squad. After progressing through Barcelona’s youth system, he joined the main squad in 1990, going on to make 479 appearances for the team. By the end of his playing career he had tallied 16 goals for “Barça.”

Pep Gvardiola

Michael T.

Cybersecurity Engineer

Michael T. Hayes is a highly experienced cybersecurity architect with over 20 years of expertise in designing and securing complex systems for both corporate and government sectors. He specializes in ethical hacking, network security, and incident response, with a focus on building robust defense mechanisms against emerging cyber threats.

In addition to his work in cybersecurity consulting, Michael is a sought-after speaker at industry conferences and a contributor to various cybersecurity publications. His ability to explain complex security concepts in clear, actionable terms has made him a trusted mentor for aspiring cybersecurity professional

Michael T.



Self study qilish

Uzumni buzish

Har kuni hujum qilish

Wifi ni buzush

Ish bilan ta'minlash

Oliy iqtisodiyot maktabi tadqiqotiga ko'ra, bitiruvchilarning 85 foizi o'qishdan keyin 3 oy ichida ish topadilar

employment image
employment image
employment image
employment image
employment image
employment image


Rezyume va portfelni loyihalashda yordam beramiz


Suhbatlarga tayyorlaning


Biz sizni vakansiyalar bilan yopiq kanalga taklif qilamiz

Oʻquvchilar fikrlari




Maria C.

Ethical Hacker

Before taking this course, I had limited experience in cybersecurity. The course was beginner-friendly, yet challenging enough to push my limits. The mentors provided clear explanations and real-world examples that helped me grasp even the most complation. Before taking this course, I had limited experience in cybersecurity. The course was beginner-friendly, yet challenging enough to push my limits. The mentors provided clear explanations and real-world examples that helped me grasp even the most complation.

Alex P.

WiFI Hacker

This course has been a game-changer for me. I was able to gain practical knowledge and real-world skills that have prepared me for a career in ethical hacking. The hands-on projects and the expert guidance from the mentors helped me a lot with it. This course has been a game-changer for me. I was able to gain practical knowledge and real-world skills that have prepared me for a career in ethical hacking. The hands-on projects and the expert guidance from the mentors helped me a lot with it. The hands-on projects and the expert guidance from the mentors helped me lot with it. I'm very thankful!

Dominic Avila

Similique magna reru

Dolore omnis eiusmod quisquam esse aliquip quo error in sequi doloremque similique soluta sed laborum Aut consequatur vero.

Oʻquvchilar kurs davomida qilgan ishlari

Muallif: Kuchli sistemalarni penetrate qilish
Muallif: DDOS attack qilish

Kurs mundarijasi

Asosiy darslar

1 -Mavzu: Sniffing Traffic

2 -Mavzu: Getting Started

3 -Mavzu: WiFi Chipsets

1 -Mavzu: To'plamlar ustida amallar

2 -Mavzu: Metodlar mavzusiga bo'yicha

1 -Mavzu: Learn more about WPA/WPA2 and Attacks

Bepul sinab koʻrish

1 -Mavzu: Advanced Attacks

Bepul sinab koʻrish

1 -Mavzu: wifi

Dars tarkibi haqida savollaringiz bormi?

Bitiruvchilar ishlashi mumkin boʻlgan sohalar

System Administration



Data Privacy

Qo'llab quvvatlov

We're Here to Support You

Have a question or need assistance? Our support team is just a message away, ready to help with any course inquiries or technical difficulties


Zamonaviy falsafada iqtisodiyot qiymat tushunchasi nuqtai nazaridan qaraladigan ijtimoiy munosabatlar tizimi sifatida qaraladi[3]

Need Help? We’re Here for You!

Our support team is available 24/7 to assist with any course-related questions, technical issues, or feedback.

Qo'llab quvvatlov

We're Here to Support You

We're Here to Support You

Have a question or need assistance? Our support team is just a message away, ready to help with any course inquiries or technical difficulties



Zamonaviy falsafada iqtisodiyot qiymat tushunchasi nuqtai nazaridan qaraladigan ijtimoiy munosabatlar tizimi sifatida qaraladi[3]

Need Help? We’re Here for You!

Need Help? We’re Here for You!

Our support team is available 24/7 to assist with any course-related questions, technical issues, or feedback.

Muloqot, hamjamiyat va networking

Engage with the Cybersecurity Community

Get involved in cybersecurity contests, live events, and networking opportunities where you can collaborate with peers, learn from experts, and demonstrate your skills. These activities are a great way to gain exposure, build relationships, and advance your understanding of real-world cyber threats and solutions

Participate in Events & Contests, Build Your Network

Birinchi marta ilmiy ishda „iqtisod“ soʻzi IV asrda ishlatila boshlangan. Miloddan avvalgi Ksenofontdan, uni „tabiatshunoslik“ deb ataydi. Aristotel iqtisodni xrematistika bilan qarama-qarshi qoʻydi — foyda olish bilan bogʻliq boʻlgan inson faoliyati sohasi[2] deb hisoblagan. Zamonaviy falsafada iqtisodiyot qiymat tushunchasi nuqtai nazaridan qaraladigan ijtimoiy munosabatlar tizimi sifatida qaraladi[3]. Iqtisodiyotning asosiy vazifasi — insonlar hayoti uchun zarur boʻlgan va ularsiz jamiyat rivojlanib boʻl

networking image

Kursni oʻrganishni hozirdan boshlang

Boʻlib toʻlashda:

60 000 soʻm

dan 2 oyda

Bir martada:

1 000 soʻm

Toʻlov borasida savollaringizga javob beramiz


WiFi Security & Ethical Hacking Essentials