
Beneath the towering trees of the ancient forest, the ground was covered in a thick blanket of moss. The air was cool, and the sound of rustling leaves echoed with each gentle breeze. Birds chirped overhead, while the faint sound of a distant river flowed steadily. In the heart of the woods, a small, weathered cabin stood, forgotten by time. Its wooden walls were covered in ivy, and the windows were fogged with years of neglect. Yet inside, a fire burned, hinting at a mystery waiting to be uncovered so wow.

Sotib olish
Ajoyib kurs
Kursni hamma o'rgana oladi
Kasb nomi

Ishga kirishga yordam beramiz*

Bepul bonus kurslar

Doimiy qo'llab quvvatlovchi ustozlar

Portfolio uchun loyihalar

Istalgan vaqt va istalgan joyda ta'lim

Kurs mentori

Samandar Kenjayev


In a quiet village nestled between rolling hills, the sound of a distant waterfall echoed softly through the valley. The villagers went about their day, unaware that deep within the forest, an ancient secret was about to be uncovered. Tall trees swayed gently in the breeze as birds sang melodies that had been passed down through generations. Little did anyone know, the key to a long-forgotten treasure lay hidden beneath the roots of the oldest tree, waiting for someone brave enough to discover it.

Samandar Kenjayev

Oʻquvchilar musobaqa- konkurslarda qatnashgan ishlari

Salom hamma sizda nima ishlar bor men uchun kerak edi...
Muallif: Jaloliddin Ahmadaliyev

Salom hamma sizda nima ishlar bor men uchun kerak edi...

Salom hammaga description qaley endi juda yaxshi deb oylaysizmi? Salom hammaga description qaley endi juda yaxshi deb oylaysizmi? Salom hammaga description qaley endi juda yaxshi deb oylaysizmi? Salom hammaga description qaley endi juda yaxshi deb oylaysizmi? Salom hammaga description qaley endi juda yaxshi deb oylaysizmi? Salom hammaga description qaley endi juda yaxshi deb oylaysizmi? Salom hammaga description qaley endi juda yaxshi deb oylaysizmi? Salom hammaga description qaley endi juda yaxshi deb oyla

Muallif: Feruz


Beneath the towering trees of the ancient forest, the ground was covered in a thick blanket of moss. The air was cool, and the sound of rustling leaves echoed with each gentle breeze. Birds chirped overhead, while the faint sound of a distant river flowed steadily. In the heart of the woods, a small, weathered cabin stood, forgotten by time. Its wooden walls were covered in ivy, and the windows were fogged with years of neglect. Yet inside, a fire burned, hinting at a mystery waiting to be uncovered so wow



Beneath the towering trees of the ancient forest, the ground was covered in a thick blanket of moss. The air was cool, and the sound of rustling leaves echoed with each gentle breeze. Birds chirped overhead, while the faint sound of a distant river flowed steadily. In the heart of the woods, a small, weathered cabin stood, forgotten by time. Its wooden walls were covered in ivy, and the windows were fogged with years of neglect. Yet inside, a fire burned, hinting at a mystery waiting to be uncovered so wow.

Sotib olish

Kursni oʻrganishni hozirdan boshlang

Boʻlib toʻlashda:

0 soʻm

dan undefined oyda

Bir martada:

50 000 soʻm






[object feObject]

[objecerwt Object]

Mutaxassisning oʻrtacha maoshi

Manba: https://youtube.com

2 000 soʻm


3 000 soʻm


5 000 soʻm


Ish bilan ta'minlash

Oliy iqtisodiyot maktabi tadqiqotiga ko'ra, bitiruvchilarning 85 foizi o'qishdan keyin 3 oy ichida ish topadilar

employment image
employment image
employment image
employment image
employment image
employment image


Rezyume va portfelni loyihalashda yordam beramiz


Suhbatlarga tayyorlaning


Biz sizni vakansiyalar bilan yopiq kanalga taklif qilamiz

Mutaxassisning oʻrtacha maoshi

Manba: https://youtube.com

2 000 soʻm


3 000 soʻm


5 000 soʻm


Mutaxassisning oʻrtacha maoshi

Tester Dasturchi

Manba: https://youtube.com

Oʻquvchilar fikrlari

Abdulaziz Abduraximov


Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men u

Jaloliddin Ahmadaliyev


Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men u

Botir Qodirov


Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men u

Jasur Invest


Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men uchun juda qulay Menimcha bu kurs men u


Quality Assurance

Beneath the towering trees of the ancient forest, the ground was covered in a thick blanket of moss. The air was cool, and the sound of rustling leaves echoed with each gentle breeze. Birds chirped overhead, while the faint sound of a distant riveres

Nima uchun ITni tanlash kerak

In a quiet village nestled between rolling hills, the sound of a distant waterfall echoed softly through the valley.

  •  The villagers went about their day, unaware that deep within the forest, an ancient secret was about to be uncovered. 
  • Tall trees swayed gently in the breeze as birds sang melodies that had been passed down through generations.
  • Little did anyone know, the key to a long-forgotten treasure lay hidden beneath the roots of the oldest tree, waiting for someone brave enough to discover it.


Oʻquvchilar kurs davomida qilgan ishlari

Muallif: Nima bu
Muallif: jknfiewbfjebfj
Muallif: jdbcbcjhecjhbecvjhvbe
Muallif: hjcbjhcjhcbhcb

Nima uchun ITni tanlash kerak

In a quiet village nestled between rolling hills, the sound of a distant waterfall echoed softly through the valley.

  •  The villagers went about their day, unaware that deep within the forest, an ancient secret was about to be uncovered. 
  • Tall trees swayed gently in the breeze as birds sang melodies that had been passed down through generations.
  • Little did anyone know, the key to a long-forgotten treasure lay hidden beneath the roots of the oldest tree, waiting for someone brave enough to discover it.



Kurs mundarijasi

Asosiy darslar

1 -Mavzu: Operatorlar

Bepul sinab koʻrish

2 -Mavzu: Mantiqiy operatorlar

Bepul sinab koʻrish

1 -Mavzu: If va else haqida

Bepul sinab koʻrish

2 -Mavzu: Switch case haqida

Bepul sinab koʻrish

3 -Mavzu: For loop haqida

Bepul sinab koʻrish

4 -Mavzu: While va do .. While

Bepul sinab koʻrish

5 -Mavzu: Break va continue birikmalari haqida

Bepul sinab koʻrish

6 -Mavzu: for in va for of looplar

Bepul sinab koʻrish

1 -Mavzu: Amaliy Mashg'ulotlar (kirish, kodlar, fuksiyalar, massivlar, operator) mavzulari uchun

Bepul sinab koʻrish

2 -Mavzu: FizzBuzz haqida amaliy mashg'ulot

3 -Mavzu: Obyektlar mavzusiga Amaliy mashg'ulot

4 -Mavzu: To'plam va metodlar bo'yicha Amaliy mashg'ulot

5 -Mavzu: Funksiya, metod, mahalliy va global o'zgaruvchilar bo'yicha Amaliy mashg'ulot

6 -Mavzu: Qo'shimcha masala va topshiriqlar

1 -Mavzu: Obyektlar

1 -Mavzu: To'plamlar ustida amallar

2 -Mavzu: Metodlar mavzusiga bo'yicha

1 -Mavzu: Funksiyalar

2 -Mavzu: Getter va Setter metodi

3 -Mavzu: Xatolarni boshqarish va try-catch

4 -Mavzu: Mahalliy va global o'zgaruvchilar

1 -Mavzu: JavaScriptda DOM bilan ishlash

2 -Mavzu: Callback tushinchasi

3 -Mavzu: Async/Await haqida

1 -Mavzu: JavaScript'da ArrayBuffer va Blob obyektlari

2 -Mavzu: OOP go'yasi va undagi tushunchalar va algoritm

3 -Mavzu: Algoritmlar davomi

1 -Mavzu: Videosiz kurs 1

1 -Mavzu: JavaScript ga kirish. Dasturlash muhiti va kodlar

Bepul sinab koʻrish

2 -Mavzu: string

Bepul sinab koʻrish

3 -Mavzu: Object, Massiv va Funksiyalar haqida

Bepul sinab koʻrish

4 -Mavzu: Test uchun.

Bepul sinab koʻrish

Kurs kimlarga moʻljallangan?


CG mutaxassislari va raqamli dizaynerlar

Autodesk Maya-ni professional darajada o'zlashtiring. Dasturni vazifalaringizga moslashtirishni va unda tezda ishlashni o'rganing. Ko'nikmalar doirasini kengaytiring va ko'proq pul ishlashingiz mumkin.


Yangi boshlanuvchilar uchunn

Beneath the towering trees of the ancient forest, the ground was covered in a thick blanket of moss. The air was cool, and the sound of rustling leaves echoed with each gentle breeze. Birds chirped overhead, while the faint sound of a distant river flowed steadily. In the heart of the woods, a small, weathered cabin stood, forgotten by time. Its wooden walls were covered in ivy, and the windows were fogged with years of neglect. Yet inside, a fire burned, hinting at a mystery waiting to be uncovered so wow.

Oʻquvchilar ishidan namunalar

Dolore aut reprehend

Dolore aut reprehend

Omnis odit dolore et excepteur mollit vero rerum et voluptas est quia et aliquid aut fugiat
Eu quia quis id prov

Eu quia quis id prov

Mollitia quia aliquip rem iure natus autem sequi sint blanditiis aute nostrum
Fuga Amet consequa

Fuga Amet consequa

Ducimus consequatur aliqua Atque culpa repudiandae corporis porro molestiae quo cumque qui corrupti omnis eum modi
Consequat Et dolore

Consequat Et dolore

Aliquam incidunt dolore est voluptatum architecto dignissimos officia pariatur Molestiae sit tempore dolore itaque dolorem ut laudantium est fugiat
Non harum voluptatib

Non harum voluptatib

Sapiente sint omnis eveniet quisquam obcaecati eius quia ipsum consequatur sint esse aut proident numquam occaecat
Architecto possimus

Architecto possimus

Voluptatem nihil exercitation beatae nostrud ut provident atque eligendi incidunt minim veniam officia ipsum est ratione velit
Salom hammaga

Salom hammaga

Laboriosam laborum aut quia perferendis praesentium tempora reprehenderit consectetur vitae consequatur saepe reprehenderit ab similique


"In the quiet of the forest, where the leaves whisper secrets and the sunlight filters through the branches, there’s a sense of calm that only nature can provide. The gentle rustle of the wind and the distant song of a bird create a melody that soothes the soul and reminds us of the simple beauty in the world."


Beneath the towering trees of the ancient forest, the ground was covered in a thick blanket of moss. The air was cool, and the sound of rustling leaves echoed with each gentle breeze. Birds chirped overhead, while the faint sound of a distant river flowed steadily. In the heart of the woods, a small, weathered cabin stood, forgotten by time. Its wooden walls were covered in ivy, and the windows were fogged with years of neglect. Yet inside, a fire burned, hinting at a mystery waiting to be uncovered so wow.

Kursni hamma oʻrgana oladi


Test uchun Test uchun Test uchun Test uchun Test uchun Test uchun Test uchun


Test uchun Test uchun Test uchun Test uchun Test uchun Test uchun Test uchun

Team Lead

Beneath the towering trees of the ancient forest, the ground was covered in a thick blanket of moss. The air was cool, and the sound of rustling leaves echoed with each gentle breeze. Birds chirped overhead, while the faint sound of a distant river flowed steadily. In the heart of the woods, a small, weathered cabin stood, forgotten by time. Its wooden walls were covered in ivy, and the windows were fogged with years of neglect. Yet inside, a fire burned, hinting at a mystery waiting to be uncovered so wow.


Kurs qanday tartibda oʻtiladi

Yopiq guruh

Siz butun umrlik oʻquvchilar va ustozlardan tashkil topgan yopiq guruhga qoʻshilasiz. Guruhda doimiy savol-javoblar boʻladi va networking qilish imkoniyatiga ega boʻlasiz

Oylik onlayn uchrashuvlar

Yopiq guruhingizda har oy ustozlar va oʻquvchilar bilan ovozli va videochatlar tashkil etiladi, bunda siz barcha savollaringizga javob olasiz.


Yuqori sifatdagi tayyor yozib olingan videodarslarni istalgan joyda va vaqtda tomosha qilishingiz mumkin.


Har bir videodars soʻnggiga sizga amaliy vazifalar beriladi. Ularni qilib nazariy bilimlaringizni mustahkamlaysiz va kurs yakunigacha portfoliongizni toʻldirib borasiz.

Portfoliongizga loyihalar









afdsff sdf sdfsdfs fsd f sdf sdf sdf sd fsd f sd f sdfsdfs df s f sdf s fs dfsf


Beneath the towering trees of the ancient forest, the ground was covered in a thick blanket of moss. The air was cool, and the sound of rustling leaves echoed with each gentle breeze. Birds chirped overhead, while the faint sound of a distant river flowed steadily. In the heart of the woods, a small, weathered cabin stood, forgotten by time. Its wooden walls were covered in ivy, and the windows were fogged with years of neglect. Yet inside, a fire burned, hinting at a mystery waiting to be uncovered so wow.

Kurs boʻyicha savollaringiz bormi?

Platformadan qanday foydalanasiz?

Ushbu qisqa videoni koʻring va platformadan foydalanishni tezda oʻrganing. Edfix – siz oʻylagandan ham osonroq va qulayroq ta’lim platformasi

Dars tarkibi haqida savollaringiz bormi?


Oʻqishni tugatganingizdan keyin sizga kursni tugatganingizni tasdiqlovchi maxsus sertifikat beriladi

Sertifikatni koʻrish

Bitiruvchilar ishlashi mumkin boʻlgan sohalar

QA Engineer




Muloqot, hamjamiyat va networking

networking image

Toʻlov borasida savollaringizga javob beramiz

Koʻp soʻraladigan savollar

Bitiruvchilarimiz haqidagi ma’lumotlar hamkorimiz TechJobs kompaniyasiga taqdim etiladi, u o‘z navbatida ish topishda ko‘maklashadi. Ammo natija qanday bo‘lishi o‘zingizga bog‘liq.

Ha, kurslar bozor talabiga qarab yangilab boriladi. Barcha foydalanuvchilar platformada paydo bo‘lgan hamma yangiliklarga birdek ega bo‘ladilar.

Ha, kursni muvaffaqiyatli yakunlaganingizni tasdiqlovchi elektron sertifikat beriladi.

Kurslarni sotib olish uchun siz PayMe yoki Click to‘lov tizimlaridan foydalanishingiz mumkin.

Biror sabablarga ko‘ra siz sotib olingan kursda o‘qishni to‘xtatmoqchi bo‘lsangiz, to‘lov puli 3 kun ichida to‘liq miqdorda qaytarilishi mumkin.

Sotib olingan kurslardan 1 yil (366 kun) davomida istalgan vaqtda foydalanishingiz mumkin.

Yo‘q. Barcha materiallar “Najot Ta'lim” intellektual mulki hisoblanadi va ularni nusxalash va tarqatish qat’iyan man etiladi.

Bitta profildan faqat bir kishi va bitta qurilma orqali foydalanish huquqiga ega. Bunday yechim intellektual mulk xavfsizligini ta’minlash maqsadida amalga oshirilgan.

Foydalanuvchiga qulay bo‘lishi uchun ro‘yxatdan o‘tish va shaxsiy profilga kirish jarayonlari to‘liq telefon raqami va unga keluvchi SMS-xabar orqali amalga oshiriladi. Bu degani, sizda kalit so‘z o‘ylab topish va uni eslab qolish zarurati bo‘lmaydi.

Platforma kompyuter (yoki noutbuk) orqali ishlatilishga mo‘ljallangan va platformadan Google Chrome yoki Mozilla Firefox brauzerlari orqali foydalanish tavsiya etiladi.

Ha, kurs yakunida berilgan sertifikatni yuklab olish imkoni bo‘ladi. Unga havola shaxsiy profil qismida bo‘ladi.

Sertifikat elektron shaklda — PDF formatida beriladi. Platformada ro‘yxatdan o‘tganingizdan so‘ng ism va familiyangizni kiritib qo‘ysangiz, ular sertifikatda aks etadi. Kurs tugatilishi bilan sertifikat avtomatik ravishda Shaxsiy kabinetingizda paydo bo‘ladi.

Shaxsiy kabinetga kirish uchun aynan ro‘yxatdan o‘tgan paytingizdagi telefon raqamingizni, so‘ng o‘sha raqamga jo‘natilgan SMS-xabardagi kodni kiriting. SMS-xabar kelishi uchun telefon raqamingiz faol bo‘lishi lozim.

Foydalanuvchining internet tezligiga muvofiq videolar sifati avtomat ravishda pasaytirilishi mumkin. Video sifatini sozlash uchun videopleyerning o‘ng past qismidagi uch nuqtani bosing va “video sifati” tugmasidan foydalaning.

Har bir dars ostida “Qaydlar” va “Izohlar” tugmasi bor. Qaydlar orqali siz videoda ko‘rgan qiziqarli ma’lumotlarni o‘zingiz uchun saqlab olishingiz va ularni keyinchalik bir zumda ochib ko‘rishingiz mumkin. “Izohlar” tugmasi esa barcha foydalanuvchilar bilan fikr almashish imkoniyatini beradi.

Agar sizda kurslar bo‘yicha fikr-mulohazalar, taklif va tavsiyalar, shikoyat va murojaatlar bo‘lsa, +99878 888 9 888 telefon raqamiga qo‘ng‘iroq qiling.

Platforma kompyuter (yoki noutbuk) orqali ishlatilishga mo‘ljallangan va platformadan Google Chrome yoki Mozilla Firefox brauzerlari orqali 2


Hozirgi paytda buning imkoni yo'q :|



ha sizning ismingizni bildim

