Bugundan e'tiboran security jamoamizda hamma exploitlarni biladigan ekspertlar bor
Exploitlarni barchasini o'rganib bo'ldik

Ethical hackers, also known as white-hat hackers, must possess comprehensive knowledge about vulnerabilities and exploits to assess systems' security and help organizations defend against potential threats. Below is a detailed list of exploits ethical hackers should know:
Network Exploits
1. **Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attacks**: Intercepting communications to eavesdrop or inject malicious data.
2. **Packet Sniffing**: Capturing network packets using tools like Wireshark to analyze unencrypted data.
3. **ARP Spoofing**: Exploiting the Address Resolution Protocol to redirect traffic.
4. **DNS Spoofing**: Manipulating DNS responses to redirect users to malicious websites.
5. **SQL Slammer Exploit**: Exploiting vulnerabilities in SQL server systems.
6. **Wireless Encryption Bypassing**: Breaking WEP/WPA encryption using tools like Aircrack-ng.
7. **Router Exploits**: Exploiting vulnerabilities in router firmware.
8. **SSH Bruteforce**: Gaining unauthorized access to servers by guessing SSH credentials.